Tips on having a successful summertime move

Every relocation can turn out to be more difficult than you might expect. But, this especially relates to summer moves, mostly because of heat, and also the fact that movers are busiest during this period. Thorough preparation is simply necessary and it will make the whole relocation process much easier. So, how to do it right? Well, there are a few steps you need to take to complete the relocation without major disturbances, and Royal Moving & Storage is going to walk you through them in this article. So, stay tuned, and let’s see what having a successful summertime move requires.

Movers are busiest during the summer, so schedule your relocation in advance

The season of the year when the movers are the busiest is the summer. There are several reasons for this. Mainly, it’s because summer is the vacation period for both adults who are working and kids who don’t have school during these months. Plus, the weather is certainly better than during winter, although you might want to avoid the period when the temperature reaches its peak. So, if you decide to relocate during the summer, know that you’re far from being the only person in LA to do so. Apartment movers in Los Angeles are having their hands full during this period, which is why you should schedule your moving date in advance. Preferably, you should schedule it at least three or two weeks in advance if you want everything to go smoothly.

A man sitting at the driving seat of a white van and smiling.
Movers are busy during summer, so it would be best if you scheduled a date one month in advance.

Making a moving plan

Having a successful summertime move is much more likely if you’re not in a rush. That way you will have more than enough time to come up with a good moving plan and complete the tasks that are coming your way without the pressure of short deadlines breathing down your neck.  But, even if you are in a rush, with a good plan you’ll expedite your move successfully. So, as soon as you schedule your moving date, grab a pen and paper and write down a moving checklist. If you don’t have enough time, your organizational skills might be tested, but you will get through it. The only downside will be that you’ll have more tasks to tackle daily, but this is normal during relocations. Here is a list of some things you shouldn’t forget during the moving process:

  1. Giving your landlord a notice
  2. Notifying the U.S. Postal Service and letting them know you’re changing the address
  3. Notifying your employer about the move
  4. Asking for a few days off around the moving day
  5. Cancelling/transferring utilities
  6. Gathering the most important documents and making backups

Ask for some help

Although hiring moving professionals in LA is the best help you can get, relocations aren’t easy to handle, so any additional help is certainly welcome. While the movers in Beverly Hills will give you some much-needed assistance around the moving day, there is a plethora of tasks you’ll have to do by yourself. So, if you find this overwhelming, it surely wouldn’t be the worst idea to ask some friends or relatives for help. Of course, you don’t want to push it by giving them the most difficult things to do, while you avoid doing any work. True teamwork is what your relocation needs, and we’re sure that your loved ones would be more than happy to help you out.

A group of friends talking outside after having a successful summertime move.
Having a successful summertime move will be more likely if you ask your friends to help you out.

Stay hydrated

California gets very hot in summer, no doubt about that. Even when you are relaxing and doing nothing at home, you need to stay hydrated to deal with the heat. And just imagine what the moving day would look like if you didn’t take care of yourself. Let’s face it, moving day will be exhausting and you need to pay attention to your well-being. Aside from staying hydrated, we would also advise you to put on some sunscreen and eat moderate healthy meals both on moving day and the day before that. Of course, good sleep the night before is also recommended. We understand that these little details may not be your priority during the moving process. But, having a successful summertime move is more than just a transfer from point A to point B.

Don’t forget to offer your movers a refreshing beverage

While you must stay hydrated and take care of yourself, remember to take care of people who are helping you as well. It’s not easy doing all the work during warm summer days in the Golden State. Even the most experienced movers need a break or two. After all, they’re just humans. You don’t want to interrupt them while they’re working, of course. But, as soon as they decide to take a short break, offer them a refreshing beverage. They will surely appreciate it.

A man looking at his phone, smiling, while holding a glass of juice.
Stay hydrated during the moving day, but don’t forget to offer your movers a glass of juice as well.

Having a successful summertime move might depend on which day of the week you choose

Traffic in the city is a factor that can make your relocation both better and worse. Smooth sailing is a very important part of the overall moving experience. This is why moving during rush hours is not something we would recommend. And, you don’t need us to tell you about traffic in Los Angeles. So, when is the best time to move? It’s difficult to say because traffic is somewhat unpredictable, but the general rule is that during weekdays (but not during rush hours) there’s less chance of traffic jams than during weekends. So, you might want to keep this in mind and schedule your date with moving companies Downey during weekdays if possible.

Final thoughts

While having a successful summertime move may sound easy at first, there are a lot of things you need to keep in mind. Of course, that doesn’t mean it will be difficult, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. Thorough preparation is essential, and when you can anticipate every task that awaits you, you will be more likely to have a smooth moving experience. We hope that this article has been helpful, and we wish you nothing but the best of luck with the upcoming relocation!

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