10 Steps You Need to Take After Arriving at Your New Home

Once you decide to move to a new home, a lot of time and energy goes into planning, making arrangements, organizing, and packing. Then the big day arrives, and your furniture, clothing, dishes, and other necessities land on your doorstep. That is when you realize that there is still a lot you need to do to get settled into your new nest. The best moving help Los Angeles provides will inform you of the steps you need to take after arriving at your new home. Follow the advice from professionals and get ready to start fresh at a new address.

10 steps you need to take after arriving at your new home

The task can seem overwhelming – you probably did not fully realize just how much stuff you owned until you had to pack it all. Here are some simple steps that can help you take care of the basics before you begin to tame the wild beast that is the pile of cardboard boxes and other assorted property waiting to be organized:

  • Inform the people of your address change
  • Get in touch with companies that provide utility services
  • Buy first-aid kit
  • Know the location of important devices
  • Test the safety of the house
  • Make sure your address is visible
  • Be careful when unpacking
  • Paint, clean, and pest-proof your new home
  • Child and pet-proof the house
  • Meet the neighbors
a couple following the ten steps you need to take after arriving at your new home
There are some necessary steps you need to take after arriving at your new home

Inform relevant people of your address change

Spread the word that you have arrived at your new home. This is no time to keep the news to yourself. It would help if you informed a lot of people and businesses that you no longer live at your old address, and the sooner you get to it, the better. Go to the post office as soon as you can and fill out the proper change of address forms.  You will probably want to get the paperwork done before you move so that none of your important mail falls through the cracks and never lands in your new mailbox. While you’re at it, contact creditors, magazine publishers, and anyone else you regularly correspond with via the U.S. mail. This is one of the first things to do before a moving company providing moving services Los Angeles residents trust arrives to pick up your moving boxes.

Maybe you assume that everyone you know will have your new address, or they will at least be able to find it easily. This is not always the case. Therefore, send your new contact information to family members and friends and let them know about your new home. Some people print up a page with a picture of the new house, the address, and the phone number and send it to just about everyone on their Christmas card list. You might also include a map on the page to make it easier for visitors to find you.

a person holding a box
Inform all relevant parties of your address change, so your mail gets through to the right address

Get in touch with companies that provide utility services

It would be a real disappointment to turn up at your new home only to find out that the stove does not work, the lights won’t go on, and the telephone line is dead. That is another set of tasks that are best handled well in advance of your move. In case you forget to talk with the utility companies beforehand, you better get on the job pronto. You need to inform the utilities that serviced your former residence that you have left that address and open new accounts for your new abode. Not only will you have to look into electricity, telephone, and gas service, but you may also want to talk to the local Internet provider, cable TV service, and water and sewer departments.

You may also want to check in with the local garbage collection service to ensure that a weekly pickup is arranged. Remember, the only thing worse than finding out that you have no power, lights, phone, or air conditioning/heat is that you will soon be up to your ankles in the rubbish.

Buy first-aid kit

Accidents will happen, and when they occur while you are in the process of moving to a new address, they can turn into a minor disaster. You can lose valuable time and suffer undue pain and anxiety because of a slight injury. Of course, any major injuries that occur should be dealt with by the nearest hospital emergency room. But for minor scrapes, cuts, and bruises, you should learn how to handle them on your own. So, make your emergency first aid kit one of the first items you put in your new house. Also, be sure that everyone knows how to find it.

Moving day can be a long and tiring experience, and that can result in several minor mishaps, especially when the day drags on and helpers begin to feel weary. Be proactive, and you will feel a lot more secure. Small problems that show up won’t turn into big troubles. 

first-aid kit
Remember to buy a first-aid kit

DIY relocation is not a perfect solution for those without any moving experience. If you are moving to California, hire the top movers Diamond Bar CA offers, and this way, you will ensure that no one gets hurt in the moving process.

Know the location of important devices

Maybe you have been responsible enough to contact the utility companies and make sure that you settled your electric bill at the old residence. Perhaps you have also instructed the power company to turn on the electricity at your new location. That is all good, but not enough if the main power box at your new home is switched off and you do not know how to find it. Locate the main electrical circuit breaker box and be sure that you know how to turn on and off the main power switch to the house.

There are few experiences more frustrating than sitting around in the dark because you cannot find the circuit breakers. Be sure to learn the location of this and all other important devices before you move.

Not only can a lack of electricity ruin your day, but it is also especially unnerving to learn that your home’s water taps have run dry and you can’t turn them on. Or worse, you arrive at your new home to discover that a pipe is leaking into a room or the basement, and you cannot shut off the flow. Be sure to find the location of the main water shut-offs that control both inside and outside water. That may help you prevent some significant damage to your property. 

a front of the house
Find out the location of all important devices

Test the safety of the house

“Safety first” is a motto to live by no matter where you reside. This is probably one of the most important steps you need to take after arriving at your new home. So get off on the right foot when you arrive at your new home. Test the smoke detectors, and make sure each is operating properly. If you feel that you do not have adequate coverage, take steps immediately to add smoke detectors to underserved rooms. You might also want to ensure that there are fire extinguishers on every floor.

Few threats to yourself and your family’s safety are as potentially deadly as a house fire. Identify each fire exit door and make sure that each person in your family is aware of the best exit to use in the event of an emergency. It only takes a few minutes to establish a plan, and it’s well worth the effort.

Sometimes we take safety and security for granted, assuming that a new home will not be an easy target for intruders. But that is not necessarily the case. Call a locksmith and have the locks on your doors changed. This is a must for security and will bring you greater peace of mind. The previous owners may have been honest people, but there’s no telling how many keys to those locks are in other people’s hands. Testing the safety of your house is the most important thing to do right after local movers in Los Angeles have unloaded your boxes from their truck.

Make sure your address is visible

It may seem like a minor point, but it is important to make sure your home is easy to find. Ensure that the number of your house is visible from the street. That will make it easier for moving vans and delivery trucks to find your home, and in the event of a crisis, emergency vehicles can locate you quickly. Taking the extra time to clear away shrubbery that blocks the view of your house number could make a critical difference in the event of a crisis. This is the easiest of the steps you need to take after arriving at your new home.

Precautionary steps you need to take after arriving at your new home include careful unpacking

Don’t rush to unpack, but rather take your time to organize as you unpack. Handle fragile items with care and unpack them last. First, unpack the essentials – clothes, toiletries, cups, and plates. With these at hand, it will be easier to coordinate the entire unpacking process as you won’t have to rush around putting stuff all over the house. However, easy unpacking requires smart packing. If you are not skillful with packing your boxes, hire the best company providing an excellent packing service Los Angeles can count on. 

Paint, clean, and pest-proof your new home

Before you unpack, make sure to dive into detailed cleaning of the entire house. It is much easier to clean the floors and paint the walls when there is no furniture to move around. Consider hiring a cleaning service to clean the house right before your moving day. The same goes for painting. There is nothing better than walking into a clean and freshly painted house, and your only task is to unpack and organize your belongings. If you decide to do the cleaning on your own, clean the kitchen and bathroom first, then the rest of the space. Leave floors for the very end. 

Cleaning is one of the steps you need to take after arriving at your new home for which you will need to use a mop, like the one in the photo.
Clean the house while it’s still empty

Before you unpack, take time to revise the content of your boxes. To avoid creating clutter in the house by piling the items you rarely use, think about renting storage Los Angeles companies provide. Decluttering will help you keep your house clean regularly.

Just like with cleaning and painting, it is easier to conduct pest control in an empty house. Before you arrive at a new place, call the exterminator or apply a bug bomb. This way, you will ensure your family is not exposed to chemicals and that you have done pest prevention in the easiest way possible.

Child and pet-proof your house

If you have small children pets, or both, their safety is your top priority. Moving into a new home is a perfect opportunity to arrange stuff around the house in a way that is safe for your kids and pets. Make sure to cover power outlets, keep toiletries, sharp objects, and cleaning products in high cabinets, and avoid stacking your moving boxes up high. Look up all available articles on childproofing your home and make your new house a secure environment for the youngest family members.

Meet the neighbors

As soon as you unpack, get out of the house and grab some fresh air. Take a walk around the block and stop by your neighbors to say hi and introduce yourself. Alternatively, you can host a housewarming party and invite your neighbors over for a drink. Meeting your neighbors is important so you can start feeling like a part of the community as soon as possible. 

people having dinner
Invite your neighbors to a housewarming party

Also, get to know your surroundings. Find out where the nearest store is, and familiarize yourself with playgrounds, schools, parks, restaurants, and shopping malls. These are some of the necessary steps you need to take after arriving at your new home.

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